Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Can You Deny Your Child Medical Care For Religious Reasons

Religion is a part of many Americans lives. It is a part of many people across the world’s lives, but it is a bigger part of some people’s lives then others. Religion is something that people believe in. It is a set of rules that they chose to live by because they believe that God gave them these rules. Some people’s religions guide there lives more so then others. Certain religions put restrictions on its followers, and those restrictions can include types of medical treatments they can and can’t receive. The question to be discussed in this paper is whether or not parents that are followers of these religions have the right to deny treatment to their children as well. Some say that religious freedom is what this country was founded on, and that by telling people that they can’t chose to not give their children medical attention, is taking away there right to that freedom. Others say that children don’t chose to be a part of these religions and that they aren’t making this decision consciously, or on their own accord, so they are in need of representation of their rights from authorities. There are two well known religions that avoid conventional medical treatment the Jehovah Witnesses and the Christian Scientists, there are many other smaller sects that carry similar beliefs and they are as follows: The Body â€Å"The Body of Christ†, Bible Readers Fellowship, Church of the First Born, End Time Ministries, Faith Assembly, Full Gospel Deliverance Church, Faith Tabernacle Congregation, Christ Church, Grace Baptist Church, and Home in Zion Ministries, there are probably others but these are the ones currently recognized according to Robinson (2002). The one thing that all these religions have in common is that somewhere in their translation of the bible they believe that God has told them not to allow for any other form of medical treatment other than prayer, and occasionally the use of oils or everyday household products... Free Essays on Can You Deny Your Child Medical Care For Religious Reasons Free Essays on Can You Deny Your Child Medical Care For Religious Reasons Religion is a part of many Americans lives. It is a part of many people across the world’s lives, but it is a bigger part of some people’s lives then others. Religion is something that people believe in. It is a set of rules that they chose to live by because they believe that God gave them these rules. Some people’s religions guide there lives more so then others. Certain religions put restrictions on its followers, and those restrictions can include types of medical treatments they can and can’t receive. The question to be discussed in this paper is whether or not parents that are followers of these religions have the right to deny treatment to their children as well. Some say that religious freedom is what this country was founded on, and that by telling people that they can’t chose to not give their children medical attention, is taking away there right to that freedom. Others say that children don’t chose to be a part of these religions and that they aren’t making this decision consciously, or on their own accord, so they are in need of representation of their rights from authorities. There are two well known religions that avoid conventional medical treatment the Jehovah Witnesses and the Christian Scientists, there are many other smaller sects that carry similar beliefs and they are as follows: The Body â€Å"The Body of Christ†, Bible Readers Fellowship, Church of the First Born, End Time Ministries, Faith Assembly, Full Gospel Deliverance Church, Faith Tabernacle Congregation, Christ Church, Grace Baptist Church, and Home in Zion Ministries, there are probably others but these are the ones currently recognized according to Robinson (2002). The one thing that all these religions have in common is that somewhere in their translation of the bible they believe that God has told them not to allow for any other form of medical treatment other than prayer, and occasionally the use of oils or everyday household products...

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